MEMBERS & FAMILIES OF OUR MEMBERS – PLEASE READ THE MESSAGE BELOW IN ITS ENTIRETY MEMBER ADVISORY – Members, be advised that should you divulge any personal information, specifically private Continue Reading →
MEMBERS & FAMILIES OF OUR MEMBERS – PLEASE READ THE MESSAGE BELOW IN ITS ENTIRETY MEMBER ADVISORY – Members, be advised that should you divulge any personal information, specifically private Continue Reading →
President Trump has issued an Executive Order declaring December 24, 2020, as a federal holiday for pay and leave purposes. Congress has passed, and President Trump has signed, a 1-week Continue Reading →
MEMBERS – Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and in order to ensure proper social distancing, the Union will be conducting our Local Membership Meeting live and online via Zoom. Continue Reading →
NOMINATION NOTICE AFGE LOCAL 3307 DATE: AUGUST 30, 2020 NOMINATION MEETING MEMBERS – Due to the ongoing pandemic, and in order to ensure proper social distancing, the Union will be Continue Reading →
In December 0f 2019, Congress passed legislation providing certain federal employees, including Border Patrol employees, with up to 12 weeks of paid leave in connection with the birth, adoption or Continue Reading →