House Budget Resolution FY 2018

Earlier today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Budget Resolution for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018, (H.Con.Res.71), by a vote of 219-206. Contained within the House Budget Resolution are policy proposals and spending cuts that, if left unchanged, could negatively impact retirement benefits and contribution amounts for current and/or future Border Patrol Agents.

Also today, the Senate Budget Committee passed its own version of a Budget Resolution for FY 2018. The Senate Budget Resolution does NOT contain policy or spending proposals that would negatively affect BPA retirement benefits or contribution amounts.

Today’s vote was expected by the NBPC, as it marks only one of the first steps in a very long and complex legislative process. The current budget resolution process is far from over and the NBPC will be working with lawmakers to reject the House Budget retirement cuts and instead adopt the Senate version as Congress works to put together a final, joint budget resolution. We expect these actions and votes to come in the near future.

Even IF the House and Senate both pass a joint budget resolution that contains retirement cuts, this will only trigger a different and new process known as “budget reconciliation.” The budget reconciliation process contains numerous procedural steps and hurdles in Congress, and ultimately it will require President Trump’s signature for passage.

As always, the NBPC is closely monitoring all developments in Congress and we continue to aggressively advocate for BPAs on Capitol Hill. We will provide additional updates as the matter progresses.