The USBP Nationwide Swap Program (NWS) will open on February 8, 2016, at 8:00 am (PST) and will close on February 29, 2016, at 4:00 pm (PST).
Employees will have the ability to submit up to 7 locations from a list of available duty stations. There will be no preference of choice. All choices will be considered as a location the employee is willing to move to. All selections are made on the basis of seniority.
As with the previous announcement, employees will receive an email informing them of the location they have been paired with. Employees will have 7 days to respond. Employees who decline the pairing will be removed from the current announcement. Employees who are impacted by their partner declining will have their name placed back into the program for a second round of pairings.
As per the April 28, 2015, MOU, employees will be considered eligible if they: Have served a minimum of three (3) years as a BPA, are not the subject of any pending performance or disciplinary action, or are the subject of an investigation of alleged misconduct that may prevent the performance of the full scope of the required duties; Have not received or been subject to three or more disciplinary actions (reprimands to fourteen (14) day suspension), or a single adverse action (suspension of more than fourteen (14) days) within the last two (2) years; Are not under a Last Chance Agreement; and Have fulfilled any time-in-station requirements associated with any previously approved relocation or assignment
Employees who are submitting for the NWS should strongly consider the personal cost and commitment it takes to relocate under this program and the impact it has on their fellow co-workers. Employees should only put in for locations that they truly want and are willing to relocate to.
An announcement will be placed on the CBPnet’s USBP homepage giving more information and a link to the NWS site. Employees will not have to request access to the site prior to it opening. Employees should carefully read and understand the conditions and requirements before submitting their names for this program. Employees should take great care when entering their data to ensure it is correct.
We have been trying to add a link within the NWS site that will give a live feed or a snapshot of employee locations that are requesting a swap with your location. IF this application is installed, it will only show the entire amount of employees from all job series and subcategories (BPA, K9, K9 Instructor) that are putting in for your location. This application and the data it provides, does not guarantee a swap to any individual and should only be used as a barometer for gauging interest in your location.